feeling disconnected from modern software development tools

I’ve recently started a new role as being a senior software engineer for an Irish National Project and I have had to refresh my OOP skills with JAVA.

Naturally I gravitated to free and opensource tools to refresh myself. This lead me to install Eclipse, which is the the EMACS of the modern world. I’ve never had much luck with IDE’s nor have I liked using IDE’s much in the past since I mainly dealt with codes written in C, Fortran and if I am lucky Perl or C++. This is because my background is in Applied Mathematics, Phyiscs and High Performance Computing and the codes in this general area are just plain old and written by scientists primarily and not engineers. What this means is that almost every numerical code out there that I have had the build, hack at, develop for is setup differently with its own build system, its own way of laying out the code base, code that depends on specific compiler bugs. The list of fun things just goes on.

Having to deal with old codes written in “old” languages really makes the user or system administrator really learn about the build system, the compliers that are needed, the environment and the dependancy hell that they get into at times. Because of these experiences, I’ve yet again found that JAVA provides lots and lots of support and protection for the developer. Other nice things that modern languages like JAVA provide is really the tools that standardise the workflow. This seems to have had a huge impact on the quality of systems that are produced.

However I really do appreciate the whole TDD concept, but more importantly the whole concept of Acceptance Testing Driven Development and Behavioural Driven Development concepts. The features of modern IDE’s hinting users scares me to think that fresh graduates from university might be too reliant on these modern systems that do too many things for the developer. It does however give fast feedback to the developer so that they can learn the language much more easily.

Maybe I just feel like a dinosaur for liking vi/vim or emacs for writing C programs and shell scripts and liking it. I really do feel disconnected from what modern developers are doing these days. Developers these days just have it far easier if JAVA or an equivalent modern language is used with the appropriate tool. It’s just down to a communication problem of creating the right thing.

By the way this is the first post!


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