cports for building applications and libraries for hpc systems

I’ve talked about cports in the past, it’s basically a collection of makefiles which mostly automates the process of downloading, configuring, building and installing applications and libraries for High Performance Computing systems that use environment-modules.

One of the key-features that cports offers is the automated modulefile generation, and the fact that the makefiles acts as documentation to how software is configured, built and installed. It’s currently being used on the clusters at my work place, it has been a boost to the productivity of the systems admin team. It’s a nice alternative to trying to create RPM’s or DEB’s (pick your custom package manager of choice here), as makefiles tend to be a little more flexible than traditional package managers.

One main drawback of the cports system right now is the lack of good dependancy management and checking, it is all currently up to the packager to resolve these dependancy issues. It’s also cports strongest point that there is no dependancy management, as the packager can build many unique trees of packages.

For example, we have Tahoe-LAFS in the following sample makefile

include ../../../mk/gnu.pre.mk

DISTNAME=	allmydata-tahoe
HOMEPAGE=	http://tahoe-lafs.org/
MASTER_SITES=	http://tahoe-lafs.org/source/tahoe-lafs/releases/
MAINTAINER=	jtang@tchpc.tcd.ie

DEPENDS="Python/2.6.5 --build-env Python/2.6.5 --run-env"
DEPENDS+="openssl/0.9.8o --lib --build-env"
DEPENDS+="gmp/4.3.2 --lib --build-env"

DESCRIPTION=    "Tahoe-LAFS (Least Authority File System) is a Free Software/Open Source"
DESCRIPTION+=    "decentralized data store. It distributes your filesystem across multiple"
DESCRIPTION+=    "servers, and even if some of the servers fail or are taken over by"
DESCRIPTION+=    "an attacker, the entire filesystem continues to work correctly and to"
DESCRIPTION+=    "preserve your privacy and security."


        $(ECHO) "prepend-path   PYTHONPATH $(PROGRAM_PREFIX)/lib/python2.6/site-packages";

	cd $(WRKSRC); \

	cd $(WRKSRC); \
	tar -cpf - . | (cd $(PROGRAM_PREFIX)/ && tar -xpf - ) ;\
	cp -a tahoe-deps ../ ;\
	python setup.py build ;

	cd $(WRKSRC); \
	python setup.py test

include ../../../mk/gnu.post.mk

In this example, as Tahoe-LAFS (upstream project) gets updated, the cports packager just needs to copy this makefile to a new directory, update the version numbers, then do a make install. This assumes that the dependancies haven’t changed much, if they have it is trivial to update the dependancies. The above example generates a modulefile similar to like this,

module-whatis "allmydata-tahoe version 1.9.0-SUMO (compiled with a gnu compiler)"
conflict allmydata-tahoe
prepend-path   PYTHONPATH /home/support/apps/cports/rhel-5.x86_64/gnu/allmydata-tahoe/1.9.0-SUMO/lib
prepend-path PATH /home/support/apps/cports/rhel-5.x86_64/gnu/allmydata-tahoe/1.9.0-SUMO/bin
module add Python/2.6.5-gnu
proc ModulesHelp { } {
puts stderr "Tahoe-LAFS (Least Authority File System) is a Free Software/Open Source"
puts stderr "decentralized data store. It distributes your filesystem across multiple"
puts stderr "servers, and even if some of the servers fail or are taken over by"
puts stderr "an attacker, the entire filesystem continues to work correctly and to"
puts stderr "preserve your privacy and security."
puts stderr {build depends: gmp/4.3.2-gnu openssl/0.9.8o-gnu Python/2.6.5-gnu}
puts stderr {run depends: Python/2.6.5-gnu}
puts stderr {module depends: gmp/4.3.2 openssl/0.9.8o Python/2.6.5}
puts stderr {link depends: gmp/4.3.2-gnu openssl/0.9.8o-gnu}
prepend-path   PYTHONPATH /home/support/apps/cports/rhel-5.x86_64/gnu/allmydata-tahoe/1.9.0-SUMO/lib

Once the package has been built and tested on a development system, we can take the package and replicate the installation in fairly automated fashion. This type of scripting and automation means that the clusters that we run in work have consistent installations of applications.

Having consistent installs means that the end-user needs to learn less about the naming conventions. This in turn reduces the confusion and documentation that is needed for the end user.

Sadly, I don’t get to play with cports as much as I used to, since I do not administrate High Performance Computing systems anymore in my new role at my current work place. It is just a hobby to develop this build system, I plan on automating more testing of the cports system when I get a chance. We currently have jenkins and gitbuilder running on select machines in work to continually build and test specific packages to find regressions and broken download links.

cports isn’t quite ready for general public usage, but if you are a clued in systems administrator at a High Performance Computing facility and use environment-module then cports is just about usable. This is of course if you are willing to look at the sample packages and write makefiles.



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