why linux isnt the only platform to target when building applications

Why would one want to target other platforms when building applications on the server side?

This came out of a conversation with the ex-CTO of Creme software (he is also a friend of mine), the conversation started out with why I like to use Macs and OSX as my laptop or workstation. I’ve been a long time Linux user of pretty much most of the major distributions ranging from RHEL, Debian/Ubuntu, Gentoo, ArchLinux as well as a number of other derivatives, not to mention other systems like the BSD’s which I have a soft spot for.

I interchange the terms Linux and Distros quite a bit in this post.

Some of the things that didn’t like with the Linux’s was that not all my hardware would be supported all the time, the distro’s sometimes think that it’s a good idea to completely change how lowlevel systems work in favour of what’s hot right now, sometimes the lack of long term support for security updates (not package updates to fix security problems) does make it more difficult to plan and deploy. The perceived flexibility sometimes causes headaches with migration plans and maintanence.

Of course there are things that I like, the access to the source code and packaging to fix and redeploy packages. The stability and reliability that can be achieved is attractive if everything is automated and planned out (though too much automation can be bad too).

To get back to the original point of why you wouldn’t want to target Linux specifically when building applications? Unless you have a strong motivating reason to write code that specifically requires a feature of Linux (or any other operating system), then you really ought to be writing code that adheres to at least some POSIX or cross platform standard, and pick libraries that are known to have good cross platform compatibility. There is nothing to gain from writing platform specific codes in the long run, the platform might hide issues from the developer if it is too clever. Linux or more specifically the distros might change various behaviour of the underlying system, and if your code is tied down to particular features of the underlying system then you will have lots of fun migrating.

It’s just bad practice to rely on system specific behaviour which isn’t portable (or maintainable) going forward in a project. To mitigate some of this, one would want to at least try to use a continuous build systems such as gitbuilder, buildbot or jenkins on a bunch of different architectures and platforms. This will reveal portability issues and more often than not, subtle bugs in your code which you probably didn’t see as a result of your development system being too smart for you!

There isn’t much of an excuse not to do continuous builds and testings across different Linux, BSD and Solaris distributions these days. Diskspace and compute power is cheap, there are free and opensource virtualisation technologies out there to provide you with a means to run different distributions for testing on a single machine. The problem will be the upfront manpower needed to setup such a system.

In the long run targetting at least two platforms will make your code base far more portable and hopefully more maintainable as you will end up making sure you write code once that runs on many systems with minimal changes needed when a new platform arises.



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