vagrant and veewee for managing virtual machines for development

I only discovered Vagrant last week at OR2012 when one of the presentations had Vagrant as a part of the testing component in the project. I was pleasantly surprised that it was leaveraging lots of free and opensource technology to provide repeatable environments for development and testing. I was even more impressed by the Veewee project which provides some additional wrappers for building custom ‘boxes’. Veewee certainly saved me lots of time in setting up some updated Scientific Linux boxes (it’s my preferred distro for deployments).

In summary Vagrant is a set of scripts to manage virtual machines and Veewee is a set of scripts for creating base images for use in Vagrant. If you’re interested in the updated SL6.2 definitions they can be found at my fork of veewee.

All that is left now is to setup puppet and have it automatically provision my development/test environment. I’m not a huge fan of puppet, but I guess it’s better than rolling my own.

I look forward to have the capability of having easy access to disposable VM’s for prototyping and testing! I will need to at somepoint setup a test system for cports with this tool.


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