an excuse to learn ruby and ruby on rails

I’ve been a long time consumer of ruby applications but never quite got around to learning the language and the frameworks that are available to developers. Within the team that I have been working with, we’ve been evaluating hydra as a possible framework for our project.

I’ve been spending the last few days reading The RSpec Book, I’ve been able to pick up some of the basic syntax of the language from the BDD book. As soon as I finish this book I will be moving on to a more real world book relating to ruby with the goal of being able to develop Ruby and Ruby on Rails applications.

Well, I didn’t get as far as finishing the RSpec book and I’ve started creating a rubygem. I’m attempting to expose the insides of zfec, specifically the functionality in fec.c. So far I’ve been lazy and I am using swig to automatically generate the C to ruby bindings with something like this

{% codeblock fec.i lang:c %} %module fec

%{ #include “fec.h” %}

fec_t* fec_new(unsigned short k, unsigned short m); void fec_free(fec_t* p); void fec_decode(const fec_t* code, const gf*restrict const*restrict const inpkts, gf*restrict const*restrict const outpkts, const unsigned*restrict const index, size_t sz); void fec_encode(const fec_t* code, const gf*restrict const*restrict const src, gf*restrict const*restrict const fecs, const unsigned*restrict const block_nums, size_t num_block_nums, size_t sz); {% endcodeblock %}

Swig does it’s thing,

{% codeblock lang:bash %} swig -ruby fec.i {% endcodeblock %}

Amazingly after some fiddling I got ruby to load up the module. It doesn’t mean that it’s going to do much though as I need to learn about the typemaps in the ruby C interface do the correct mappings.

I’m so far taking inspiration from the zfec python module to take a stab at building a ruby equivalent package for the sake of learning ruby and maybe even end up with something useful for the project that I am working on in work.

After playing with extending ruby, I’m thinking I may need to take a step back and evaluate if this is the best way for me to learn ruby or not. I should probably not mess too much extending the language with a C library.


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