We’ve been ramping up our development work on the project that I have been on in the last month or so. One of the issues that we’ve come across is the not so good XML validation and parsing libraries that are available in the ruby world compared to the java world.
So as an exercise I decided to see if I could make our prototype work with jruby with the view of doing a test deployment on tomcat or some other application server. One of the motivating reason for doing this is to get access to the java based XML libraries for validation and processing. It also means that if I can deploy to the same Tomcat server where I’m running SOLR and Fedora-Commons then it means I’m saving myself a chunk of work setting up and maintaining mod_passenger.
In short what I ended up doing was make sqlite3 as being dependent on the ruby platform and creating a block for jruby. So here’s the relevant snippet from my Gemfile
gem 'sqlite3', :platforms => :ruby
platforms :jruby do
gem 'jruby-openssl'
gem 'activerecord-jdbcsqlite3-adapter'
gem 'jruby-lint'
gem 'warbler'
gem 'actionmailer'
gem 'actionpack'
gem 'activerecord'
gem 'activerecord-jdbc-adapter'
gem 'activeresource'
gem 'activesupport'
gem 'jdbc-mysql'
gem 'rack'
gem 'rake'
What I found was that jruby behaves oddly when I’m behind a proxy, it seems to blindly take my system proxy settings on my mac, so I had to work around it.
Nokogiri seems to be subtly different when deployed with jruby and thus it breaks a bunch of things, which is funny as this was the main reason to testing out jruby so that we can access the java based XML libraries.