sbank balance - show slurm balance


sbank balance subcommand [OPTION]...


Show the balance of used and available hours to the user for a given account. This is just a wrapper to the sbalance command, and is provided to give the user/admin a consistent interface. If no options are given, then sbank-balance will show the balance of the user who ran the script.

  • statement - shows balance sheet statement for user.


    show help message


    display per cluster 'clustername' (defaults to the local cluster)


    display balance of account 'accountname' (defaults to all accounts of the current user)


    display all accounts (defaults to all accounts of the current user)


    display only the current user's balances (defaults to all users in all accounts of the current user)


    display for the given user (defaults to the current user)


    display unformatted balance of account 'accountname'


    display historical user/account usage from the DBD via 'sreport', starting from yyyy-mm-dd

  • request - request a number hours from an account and returns a number of hours remaining in the account.


    show help message

    -c, --cluster

    Specify the slurm cluster

    -a, --account

    Specify the slurm account

    -t, --time

    Specify the amount of hours to request. This value must be a positive integer value.

  • checkscript - check the hours that a script is about to request.

    -c, --cluster

    Specify the slurm cluster

    -s, --scriptname

    Name of script to check


Show your own balance (all your accounts), including those of other members of the accounts

sbank balance statement

Show your own balance (all your accounts)

sbank balance statement -U

Show the balance in the given account, including those of other members of the accounts

sbank balance statement -a account_name

Show the unformatted balance of an account

sbank balance statement -b account_name

Show the balance of all accounts in the given cluster

sbank balance statement -A -c mycluster

Request 'hours' from an account to see if there are enough hours available to run a job.

sbank request -c mycluster -a account0001 -t 1000



Jimmy Tang Paddy Doyle


Copyright (C) 2011 Trinity Centre for High Performance Computing, Trinity College Dublin. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.