sbank-refund - refund hours to a slurm account based on a jobid


sbank refund [OPTION]...


slurm bank administrative tool (wraps sacctmgr) for refund hours to a slurm account given a jobid.

This command should be run on the same cluster that the job has been run on.

  • job - refund hours to a given job


    show help message


    show debug messages

    -a, --account

    Specify the slurm account, this is optional if no account is specified then the script will go back to the slurmdbd and refund the original account that the account was run on.

    -j, --jobid

    The jobid to be refunded.


If the user Charles has had a job die due to a node failure, he supplies the jobid '53453' which we want to refund

sbank refund job -j 53453

But Charles now decides he wants to have the hours from the failed job to be refunded to another account (other than the one that he ran the original job on)

sbank refund job -j 53453 -a myotheraccount



Jimmy Tang


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