sbank-project - Create, delete or list a slurm account


sbank project subcommand [OPTION]...


slurm bank administrative tool (wraps sacctmgr) for systematically creating, delete and listing accounts. The scripts use a similar terminology to GOLD's project.

EXPERIMENTAL - creating and deleting accounts are experimental.

  • -h

    show help message

  • -d

    show debug messages

  • -a, --account

    Specify the slurm account

  • -c, --cluster

    Specify the slurm cluster

  • list

    List projects/accounts in slurmdbd

  • create - Create a project account

    -c, --cluster

    Specify the slurm cluster

    -a, --account

    Specify the slurm account

  • delete - Delete a project account

    -c, --cluster

    Specify the slurm cluster

    -a, --account

    Specify the slurm account

  • useradd - Add a user to a project

    -u, --user

    Specify the username

    -c, --cluster

    Specify the slurm cluster

    -a, --account

    Specify the slurm account

  • userdel - Delete a user from a project

    -u, --user

    Specify the username

    -c, --cluster

    Specify the slurm cluster

    -a, --account

    Specify the slurm account

  • expire - expire an account, i.e. zero the limit so no more jobs can run

    -c, --cluster

    Specify the slurm cluster

    -a, --account

    Specify the slurm account


To list all the projects/accounts in 'mycluster'

sbank project list -c mycluster

To expire an account on a cluster

sbank project expire -c mycluster -a myaccount



Jimmy Tang


Copyright (C) 2011 Trinity Centre for High Performance Computing, Trinity College Dublin. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.